Safe and Sober Fun on Labor Day 2022
History of Labor Day

In This Article
Have a Safe and Sober Labor Day 2022
Especially for those in recovery – the goal is a Safe and Sober Labor Day 2022.
Labor Day is always celebrated on the first Monday of September. Labor Day 2022 is September 5, 2022.
AAA predicts this to be the busiest Labor Day travel weekend in three years, reaching pre-pandemic levels. Trends are similar to Memorial Day and Fourth of July weekends this year. And AAA reports 32% of Americans are planning to travel for the Labor Day weekend. And the majority of those will be traveling in cars.
For many, Labor Day is the last big Three Day Weekend before the Thanksgiving holiday.
Although retail and hospitality workers – as well as medical personnel and others – ‘celebrate’ Labor Day by working longer shifts.
But even for those who have to work on Labor Day – the three day weekend (Sept 3-5, 2022) is a great time for visiting with friends and family. And to participate in the traditional summer holiday activities that include cookouts and bargain shopping.
But why do we celebrate Labor Day?

Unions and the Origins of Labor Day
The origin of labor unions dates back to the eighteenth century and the industrial revolution in Europe. During this time there was a huge surge of new workers into the workplace that needed representation.
A Brief History of Unions
The idea of Labor Day emerged in the late 19th century out of the organized labor movements. Labor Day was first created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894.
The labor movement in the United States grew out of the need to protect the common interest of workers. For those in the industrial sector, organized labor unions fought for better wages, reasonable hours and safer working conditions. The labor movement led efforts to stop child labor, give health benefits and provide aid to workers who were injured or retired.
In the United States history of unions, early workers and trade unions played an important part in the role for independence. Although their physical efforts for the cause of independence were ineffective, the ideas they introduced, such as protection for workers, became part of our American culture.
In September 1882, unions in New York decided to throw themselves a parade to celebrate unions as a concept and the hard-working union members.
New Start Recovery Solutions is proud to provide counseling and addiction treatment services to Union Members.

The Founding of Labor Day
In 1894, President Grover Cleveland signed into law that Labor Day in the US would be celebrated on the first Monday in September.
Labor Day originated during one of the most difficult times for American workers.
The United States in the late 1800’s was at the height of the Industrial Revolution. In order to earn a basic living, the average American worked seven days a week, 12 or more hours a day.
Despite laws in some states, children as young as 5 or 6 worked in mills, factories and mines across the country. For details, see Child Labor in the Industrial Revolution.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a landmark bill into law in 1938: the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA). The FLSA banned child labor in America. It also established a minimum wage and overtime pay. The 7 day work week featuring 12+ hours of daily work – was replaced with a standard 8 hour work day. Regulations for safe working conditions were created.
Read More at History of Labor Day, US Department of Labor
We have made significant progress in creating safe working environments.
And that is something to celebrate!

Staying Safe and Sober Labor Day 2022
Safe and Sober Labor Day 2022: Holidays are times to relax and have fun! For those recovering from alcohol and substance abuse – holidays present an added challenge.
It is critical to have sobriety planning and a relapse prevention plan in place before attending holiday events.
Holiday Sobriety Planning Tips
• Have a strong determination and resolve to remain sober.
• Prepare relapse prevention strategies in advance.
• Have a Relapse Prevention Plan; know potential obstacles.
• Use Mindfulness to stay in the present moment.
• Attend support group meetings.
• If family gatherings are too stressful – attend support group meetings and/or spend time with supportive friends.
• Remember self-care: Check H.A.L.T. – Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.
• With Mindfulness, acknowledge and work with emotions: do not ‘bury’ unpleasant emotions.
• Allow yourself to have real fun – Sober. Create new sober holiday traditions.
• Sobriety is the Priority. (And have a back-up plan in place).
Stress and Anxiety Relief Related Articles:
Relapse Prevention Plan
Union Member Rehabs Northern California
East Bay Addiction Rehab COVID-19 Mindfulness Stress Relief
Northern California Mindfulness Meditation and Addiction Recovery
Bay Area Work From Home Functional Alcoholic Warning Signs
Silicon Valley Functional Addiction Treatment
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Call Admissions 866-303-6275 for confidential questions and assistance.
Same Day Detox Admissions · Dual Diagnosis Rehab Treatment
Residential Rehabs | Outpatient Rehabs | Mental Health Care | Virtual IOP
We work with EAP and Union Programs and most insurance.
TriWest in-network; VA Community Care Provider

Can Mindfulness Help My Addiction Recovery?
Mindfulness is very helpful to both addition recovery and preventing relapse.
Mindfulness is having the internal focus to be quietly aware of your own thoughts and impulses – without judgment and without acting on the impulses.
New Start Recovery Solutions uses a whole person approach to addiction recovery. We include mindfulness training and mindfulness relapse prevention as a part of our Northern California Evidence Based Integrated Substance Abuse Treatment program.
Mindfulness is very helpful in relapse prevention and addiction recovery. Long-term addiction recovery depends on discarding habitual behaviors to drink or drug – and engaging in new sober activities. Mindfulness meditation research has shown that mindfulness is connected with being able to process new information.
With increased self-awareness – impulsive and habitual behaviors in response to triggers can decrease.

Call Admissions 866-303-6275 for confidential questions and assistance.
Same Day Detox Admissions · Dual Diagnosis Rehab Treatment
Residential Rehabs | Outpatient Rehabs | Mental Health Care | Virtual IOP
We work with EAP and Union Programs and most insurance.
TriWest in-network; VA Community Care Provider

Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Addiction with PTSD, Anxiety, Depression and More
PTSD whole person and trauma-informed integrated treatment at New Start Recovery Solutions works with the issues of addiction and alcohol dependency combined with anxiety, depression and more.
We assist patients in discovering and resolving underlying emotional and mental health issues – for sustainable life-long recovery.
We integrate Mindfulness into our dual diagnosis addiction rehab treatment. We have found that while mindfulness is easy to learn with a knowledgeable instructor – it is not an automatic behavior. However once learned, mindfulness provides a lifetime of stress relief and more.
Our evidence-based and trauma-informed treatment includes a combination of:
• Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
• Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
• Motivational Interviewing
• Prolonged Exposure
• Brainspotting
• Relapse Prevention Mindfulness
• Mindfulness and Meditation
• Holistic Therapies and Wellness
• Psychoeducation Programs
• Family Recovery Program
• Nutrition

Call Admissions 866-303-6275 for confidential questions and assistance.
Same Day Detox Admissions · Dual Diagnosis Rehab Treatment
Residential Rehabs | Outpatient Rehabs | Mental Health Care | Virtual IOP
We work with EAP and Union Programs and most insurance.
TriWest in-network; VA Community Care Provider

New Start Recovery Solutions | Recovery Happens Counseling Services

Confidential Consultations, Questions or Admissions
Call 866-303-6275
We are dedicated to helping those in need.
We Work with EAP and Union Programs and Accept Most Insurance
Kaiser Preferred Provider
VA Community Care Provider In-Network with TriWest

We also work out of network with most PPO insurance.
Please Note: We cannot accept Medicare, Medicaid or Medi-Cal.
Veteran Programs

We Work With:
∙ Union and EAP Programs
∙ VA Community Care Provider
∙ In-network with TriWest
• Each patient is evaluated by New Start Recovery Solutions staff and receives a biopsychosocial assessment; and an individualized treatment plan.
• We use Mindfulness for Relapse Prevention and other whole person evidence-based therapies.
• Our holistic therapies include CBT, DBT, Brainspotting, Conscious Recovery, yoga and more.
• If you or your loved one is located in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Bay Area, San Rafael, Monterey, Sacramento, Chico, Paradise, Redding, Martinez or other Northern California area – and are dealing with a drug abuse or an alcohol use disorder – welcome to evidence-based whole person addiction treatment at New Start Recovery Solutions.
• New Start Recovery Solutions is a VA Community Care Provider; in-network with TriWest.
• Our trauma-informed dual diagnosis treatment is effective for PTSD, depression, anxiety and more.
• Military and Veteran PTSD Treatment Programs – Residential and Outpatient.
• Treatment Programs for First Responders, Union Members and Professionals.

Please call our Admissions at 866-303-6275 for more information.
Or feel welcome to Contact Us.
We Accept Most Insurance
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