Mindfulness Stress Relief and Relapse Prevention
Emotional Stability, Resilience and Hope
Table of Contents
• Reducing Fear and Stress Habitual Reactions
• Mindfulness, Stoicism and Inner Balance
• Mindfulness Exercise
• East Bay Medical Detox and SUD Rehab Admissions 24/7
• East Bay Dual Diagnosis Residential Rehab
• Northern California Trauma Informed Dual Diagnosis Addiction Rehab

Reducing Fear and Stress Habitual Reactions
You must DO the things YOU THINK you cannot do.
~ Eleanor Roosevelt
In these times of COVID-19 ‘shelter in place‘ and ‘stay at home‘ – common reactions are fear and stress. These are difficult times.
And yet – there are some things that can be done to change personal experience of the coronavirus lockdown. While fear, stress and panic are the first reactions to new, dangerous and stressful situations – panic, fear and stress are not the only possible reactions.
For those in addiction recovery – it is critical to maintain sobriety and avoid relapse.
Fortunately, the ancient practices of Mindfulness and Stoicism have a wealth of techniques to offer when dealing with difficult times.

Call Admissions 866-303-6275 for confidential questions and assistance.
Same Day Detox Admissions · Dual Diagnosis Rehab Treatment
Residential Rehabs | Outpatient Rehabs | Mental Health Care | Virtual IOP
We work with EAP and Union Programs and most insurance.
TriWest in-network; VA Community Care Provider

Mindfulness, Stoicism and Inner Balance
We are in the habit of exaggerating, or imagining, or anticipating, sorrow. You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength. ~ Seneca
Many think of the philosophy of Stoicism as meaning ‘no emotion’.
However, stoicism has a lot in common with Mindfulness. And in this time of sickness and uncertainty – the combination of Mindfulness and Stoicism may be just what is needed.
Stoicism doesn’t concern itself with complicated theories about the world. Stoicism encourages us to overcome destructive emotions. And to act on what can be acted upon.
Stoicism is built for action, not endless debate.
The single most important practice in Stoic philosophy is differentiating between what we can change and what we can’t. And, what we have influence over; and what we do not.

Mindfulness Exercise
Findings from studies suggest that over the course of meditating – long-term practitioners of meditation actually altered the structure and function of their brains, ‘Neuroplasticity and Meditation’.
Below, some instructions to get started in the practice of mindfulness.
If you are feeling overwhelming stress or pressure – do the following:
- Stop what you are doing. If you need to excuse yourself and walk away to another room or outside – do it.
- Breathe deeply and hold the breath as long as you can. ‘Watch’ your breath. That is: concentrate on breathing as if this is your only activity in the world. And for now, it is.
- Slowly release the breathe. Breathe in slowly and again hold the breath.
- Repeat concentration on slow breathing for 1-2 minutes.
- When it feels comfortable – listen. Just…listen. If you are outside, hear the wind moving in the trees. Notice birdsong or even car noise. Just listen to sounds in your surroundings without making a good/bad judgement.
- The combination of centering by concentrating on the breath and listening to surroundings without involvement – will bring you back to your ‘center’.
- Our center is the place where we can just ‘be’ for a few moments, without any judgement. This is who we really are.
- Centering works to ‘break’ the connection with physical and emotional stress. It returns us to a place of inner peace.
- If an unsettled state of mind cannot be brought back into perspective through this mindfulness exercise – mindfully walk or do something else for a few minutes.
- Repeat Steps 2-5. Inner balance and calm are critical factors to implement during times of severe stress.

Call Admissions 866-303-6275 for confidential questions and assistance.
Same Day Detox Admissions · Dual Diagnosis Rehab Treatment
Residential Rehabs | Outpatient Rehabs | Mental Health Care | Virtual IOP
We work with EAP and Union Programs and most insurance.
TriWest in-network; VA Community Care Provider
East Bay Medical Detox and SUD Rehab Admissions 24/7
• Addiction Never Takes Time Off – and Neither Do We •

Medical Detox Northern California
Bay Area, East Bay, Silicon Valley, Northern California
To free up local hospitals – we admit patients into our Medical Detox Program 24/7.
Same Day Admission 24/7 Dual Diagnosis Integrated Substance Abuse Rehab.
Medical Detox is the first step to regaining sobriety – and the importance cannot be underestimated. Recovery support begins with detox from drugs and alcohol.
In most cases, we can arrange for same day admissions.
New Start Recovery Solutions has 24/7 medical supervision during detox. Our medical detox program helps individuals through physical withdrawal symptoms and provides the medical assistance needed during this rough time.

Call Admissions 866-303-6275 for confidential questions and assistance.
Same Day Detox Admissions · Dual Diagnosis Rehab Treatment
Residential Rehabs | Outpatient Rehabs | Mental Health Care | Virtual IOP
We work with EAP and Union Programs and most insurance.
TriWest in-network; VA Community Care Provider

East Bay, Sacramento and Central Coast Dual Diagnosis Residential Rehabs
New Start Recovery Solutions provides residential evidence-based integrated rehab treatment for Dual Diagnosis at our locations in East Bay, Bangor and Sacramento.
We also have dual diagnosis Outpatient Treatment for adolescents 12+ and Adults.
Dual Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders is a term for people who have both a mental health issue (such as PTSD, depression, trauma, anxiety) and an addiction problem (substance use disorder, or SUD).
Individuals rarely want to take the time needed for residential rehab and addiction recovery. It is easy to use career or other obligations as a reason to avoid getting help.
However, the best chance for recovery is a permanent change in habitual behaviors. Time, education and therapy are required to make permanent behavioral changes.
If you think you may be suffering from a substance use disorder – as well as PTSD, depression, anxiety, trauma or other mental illness (dual diagnosis) – please know that seeking help is the first step to addiction recovery and regaining control of your life.
Many high functioning addicts (HFA) also experience depression and/or anxiety. For a lasting resolution of underlying mental health issues, integrated dual diagnosis treatment is needed.
Bottom Line:
The eventual outcome of an escalating addiction
will take a lot longer to sort out than taking a few weeks off for rehab.

Northern California Trauma-Informed Dual Diagnosis Rehabs
New Start Recovery Solutions Addiction Treatment Programs Available
• Medically Managed Detoxification
• Residential Inpatient Rehab Treatment
• IOP and PHP Outpatient Services
• 24-hour on-site monitoring
• Whole Person Evidence-based Recovery
• Medication-Assisted Treatment MAT for Opioid Addiction
• Virtual IOP Intensive Outpatient Program
• Family Program and Alumni Program
• Holistic Treatment – Yoga, acupuncture and more
• Nutrition and Wellness Programs
• Relapse Prevention and Mindfulness for Recovery
• Dual Diagnosis Treatment (Our Specialty)
• PHP ‘Day Program’ Partial Hospitalization Program
• IOP Intensive Outpatient Treatment
• Outpatient Primary Mental Health Therapy
• Veteran PTSD Dual Diagnosis Rehab
• VA Community Care Provider
• TriWest In-network (Proud to be Serving our Military!)
• Most Insurance Accepted

New Start Recovery Solutions | Recovery Happens Counseling Services

Confidential Consultations, Questions or Admissions
Call 866-303-6275
We are dedicated to helping those in need.
We Work with EAP and Union Programs and Accept Most Insurance
Kaiser Preferred Provider
VA Community Care Provider In-Network with TriWest

We also work out of network with most PPO insurance.
Please Note: We cannot accept Medicare, Medicaid or Medi-Cal.
Veteran Programs

We Work With:
∙ Union and EAP Programs
∙ VA Community Care Provider
∙ In-network with TriWest
• Each patient is evaluated by New Start Recovery Solutions staff and receives a biopsychosocial assessment; and an individualized treatment plan.
• We use Mindfulness for Relapse Prevention and other whole person evidence-based therapies.
• Our holistic therapies include CBT, DBT, Brainspotting, Conscious Recovery, yoga and more.
• If you or your loved one is located in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Bay Area, San Rafael, Monterey, Sacramento, Chico, Paradise, Redding, Martinez or other Northern California area – and are dealing with a drug abuse or an alcohol use disorder – welcome to evidence-based whole person addiction treatment at New Start Recovery Solutions.
• New Start Recovery Solutions is a VA Community Care Provider; in-network with TriWest.
• Our trauma-informed dual diagnosis treatment is effective for PTSD, depression, anxiety and more.
• Military and Veteran PTSD Treatment Programs – Residential and Outpatient.
• Treatment Programs for First Responders, Union Members and Professionals.

Please call our Admissions at 866-303-6275 for more information.
Or feel welcome to Contact Us.
We Accept Most Insurance
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