Honoring All Who Served
Veterans Day 2021 – Thursday, November 11, 2021
We celebrate and honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.
Veterans Day is a U.S. legal holiday dedicated to American veterans of all wars. It became a federal holiday in the U. S. in 1938.
The theme for Veterans Day 2021 is centered on the 100 Year Commemoration of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. @ArlingtonNatl #Tomb100

Table of Contents
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Centennial | Veterans Day FAQs | Video: Short History of Veterans Day
Veteran Free Meals & Military Discounts | Veterans, Trauma and PTSD
Veteran PTSD Treatment | Veteran PTSD Treatment Resources N California
This year Veterans Day 2021 marks:
• 76th anniversary of the end of WWII
• 71th anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War
• 31th anniversary of the end of the Panama Invasion
• 31th anniversary of the beginning of Operation Desert Shield
• Centennial Commemoration of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Veterans Day 2021: Thursday, November 11
In 1918 during World War I (“the Great War”) – an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities – was declared on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month between the Allied nations and Germany.
History of Veterans Day

“In this poster, a Tomb Guard carries out his responsibilities with unwavering dedication, alone on the quiet plaza at dawn. There have been Tomb Guards of all races, genders, religion and creeds, so I wanted to keep the identity of this Tomb Guard ambiguous. By placing the Tomb Guard off to the side I hoped to remind the viewer to look past the sentinel and focus on the tomb itself and the unknown soldiers who died in service to our nation.”
Winning design selected in the 2021 Veterans Day poster contest
Centennial Commemoration of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
ARLINGTON, Va. — On Veterans Day, Nov. 11, at 9 a.m., the public is invited to observe a joint service flyover and full honors procession honoring the Centennial Anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The procession will take place along a special route inside Arlington National Cemetery.
Located at Arlington National Cemetery, the Tomb was initially dedicated by the Army on Armistice Day, November 11, 1921. with the burial of an unknown service member from World War I. The neoclassical, white marble sarcophagus stands atop a hill overlooking Washington, D.C.
Since 1921, it has provided a final resting place for one of America’s unidentified World War I service members. Unknown soldiers from later wars were added in 1958 and 1984.
Over the past century, the site has become a people’s memorial that inspires reflection on service, valor, sacrifice and mourning.
Please visit www.arlingtoncemetery.mil/Tomb100 for the most up-to-date news and information, including entrance and security requirements for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Centennial Commemoration.
LIVESTREAM Link: https://www.dvidshub.net/webcast/27489. Begins at 10:50 AM EST on Thursday, November 11, 2021.
Veterans Day FAQs
We celebrate and honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.
When was the first Veterans Day celebrated?
In November 1919 at the end of World War I – President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11th as “Armistice Day”. This later became Veterans Day.
When did Veterans Day become a National Holiday?
On May 13, 1938 – November 11th Veterans Day became a National Holiday honoring Veterans of WWI by an act of Congress.
When was it first called ‘Veterans Day’?
• In 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower officially changed the name of the holiday from Armistice Day to Veterans Day.
• Although this holiday initially honored those who perished in service to their country – when the holiday’s name was changed to Veterans Day – it became a day to honor ALL the men and women who have served in the armed forces of the United States.
What is the Veterans Day program at Arlington National Cemetery?
• Each year, special Veterans Day ceremonies are held at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.
• To Be Livestreamed: “Recognition and commemoration of the Veterans who have served and continue to serve in the U.S. Uniform Services”
• The nation’s 67th Veterans Day Observance to honor the men and women who have served and continue to serve in the U.S. Uniform Services during war and peacetime will be live-streamed from Arlington National Cemetery at https://www.dvidshub.net/webcast/27489.
• The Live Stream will begin at 10:50 AM EST on Thursday, November 11, 2021. https://www.dvidshub.net/webcast/27489
• The U.S. Army Military District of Washington will conduct a Presidential Armed Forces Full Honor Wreath-Laying Ceremony at 11 a.m. at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
• LIVESTREAM Link: https://www.dvidshub.net/webcast/27489. Begins at 10:50 AM EST on Thursday, November 11, 2021.
Why is Veterans Day celebrated on November 11?
• At 11:00 a.m. on November 11, 1918 – World War I ended when the Allied powers signed a ceasefire Armistice (agreement) with Germany at Rethondes, France.
Armistice Day is commemorated every year on November 11 to mark the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany at Compiègne, France, for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front.
• The Armistice was signed at 5.12AM on 11 November but, for tidiness, it was agreed the ceasefire would take place at 11.00AM on the 11th day of the 11th month.
• In an extraordinary coincidence, the number plate of the car in which the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was travelling when he was assassinated was A 111 118.
• In 1968, the Uniform Holidays Bill was passed by Congress. It moved the celebration of Veterans Day to the fourth Monday in October.
• The Uniform Holidays Bill went into effect in 1971.
• In 1975, President Gerald Ford returned Veterans Day to November 11 – due to the important historical significance of the date.
What is the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day?
• Memorial Day is for remembering and honoring military personnel who died while in service of their country; particularly those who died in battle or as a result of a wound sustained in battle.
• Veterans Day is intended to thank all those who honorably served in the military – in war time or peace.
Do other countries have a Veterans Day?
• Great Britain, France, Australia and Canada also commemorate the veterans of World War I and World War II on or near November 11th.
• Canada has Remembrance Day.
• Britain has Remembrance Sunday (the second Sunday of November). In Great Britain, the day is commemorated by church services and parades of ex-service members in Whitehall, a wide ceremonial avenue leading from London’s Parliament Square to Trafalgar Square. Wreaths of poppies are left at the Cenotaph, a war memorial in Whitehall, which was built after the First World War. At the Cenotaph and elsewhere in the country, a two-minute silence is observed at 11 a.m., to honor those who lost their lives in wars.
• In Europe, Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries it is common to observe two minutes of silence at 11 a.m. every November 11.
Short History of Veterans Day

Veterans Day Free Meals and Military Discounts
We are listing several sources for veterans day free meals and discounts.
• Each list for free meals and discounts has slightly different information. To get an overview of all veterans day offers available – we advise checking out all the lists.
• Most businesses require proof of military service. What identification do you need to prove that you’re a veteran?
View a list of common military ID options on Military.com.
• Not all restaurant and other franchise locations participate in their national chain’s Veterans Day programs.
⇒ Before leaving, be sure contact your nearest establishment to make sure they are participating.

Where Vets and Military Can Eat Free or Get Discounts on Veterans Day 2021
• Proof of service or military ID generally are required for the specials. Read the details as restrictions may apply!
⇒ NOTE: Before heading out, confirm your local outlets are participating in the offers.
• Sacramento Area Veterans Day 2021 event preview: deals, discounts and freebies
• Veterans Day Freebies And Discounts For 2021
• 2021 Veterans Day Free Meals and Discounts – Over 100 Free Meals!
• Veterans Day Freebies and Discounts 2021 Free Meals, Haircuts, Car Washes, and More on Veterans Day
• Veterans Day Guide to Offers on MilitaryBenefits.info

Veterans, Trauma and PTSD
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs reports that the number of Veterans with PTSD varies by service era.
From How Common Is PTSD Among Veterans?
· Operations Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Enduring Freedom (OEF): About 11-20 out of every 100 Veterans (or between 11-20%) who served in OIF or OEF have PTSD in a given year.
· Gulf War (Desert Storm): About 12 out of every 100 Gulf War Veterans (or 12%) have PTSD in a given year.
· Vietnam War: About 15 out of every 100 Vietnam Veterans (or 15%) were currently diagnosed with PTSD at the time of the most recent study in the late 1980s, the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study (NVVRS). It is estimated that about 30 out of every 100 (or 30%) of Vietnam Veterans have had PTSD in their lifetime.

Call Admissions 866-303-6275 for confidential questions and assistance.
Same Day Detox Admissions · Dual Diagnosis Rehab Treatment
Residential Rehabs | Outpatient Rehabs | Mental Health Care | Virtual IOP
We work with EAP and Union Programs and most insurance.
TriWest in-network; VA Community Care Provider

What is PTSD?
The nervous system has two automatic ways of responding to traumatic events: Mobilization and Immobilization.
Mobilization, or fight-or-flight, occurs when individuals need to defend themselves; or survive the danger of a combat situation. The heart pounds faster, blood pressure rises, and muscles tighten – increasing strength and reaction speed. Once danger has passed – the nervous system calms the body: lowering heart rate and blood pressure and winding back down to its normal balance.
Immobilization occurs when individuals experience overwhelming stress in a dangerous situation. Even when the danger has passed,individuals can find themselves “stuck.” The nervous system is then unable to return to its normal state of balance. And is not able to move on from the event. This is PTSD.
Recovering from PTSD involves transitioning out of the mental and emotional war zone you’re still living in and helping the nervous system become “unstuck.”
For more details, see What is PTSD?

Call Admissions 866-303-6275 for confidential questions and assistance.
Same Day Detox Admissions · Dual Diagnosis Rehab Treatment
Residential Rehabs | Outpatient Rehabs | Mental Health Care | Virtual IOP
We work with EAP and Union Programs and most insurance.
TriWest in-network; VA Community Care Provider

Veteran PTSD Dual Diagnosis Rehab Treatment for Alcohol, Drugs

provider for residential PTSD Dual Diagnosis Treatment. In-Network with TriWest
We provide behavioral health, PTSD and addiction recovery treatment for veterans and those in the military. Using evidence-based trauma informed integrated treatment – we have dual diagnosis recovery solutions for veterans struggling with PTSD and SUD (substance use disorder) or AUD (alcohol use disorder).
The VA provides care to Veterans through community providers when VA cannot provide the care needed. Community care is based on specific eligibility requirements, availability of VA care, and the needs and circumstances of individual Veterans.
New Start Recovery Solutions PTSD Dual Diagnosis Treatment
New Start Recovery Solutions veterans program for PTSD and substance abuse uses trauma-informed integrated treatment. We work with the issues of combat stress, addictions, alcohol dependency, depression and other trauma-related disorders.
Our PTSD treatment for veterans includes a combination of cognitive behavioral and processing therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, prolonged exposure, wellness education, mindfulness, nutrition, yoga and more.
• Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
• Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
• Motivational Interviewing
• Brainspotting
• Emotional Regulation
• Prolonged Exposure
• Relapse Prevention
• Mindfulness and Meditation
• Holistic Therapies
• Educational Programs
• Residential and Outpatient Treatment Programs

Call Admissions 866-303-6275 for confidential questions and assistance.
Same Day Detox Admissions · Dual Diagnosis Rehab Treatment
Residential Rehabs | Outpatient Rehabs | Mental Health Care | Virtual IOP
We work with EAP and Union Programs and most insurance.
TriWest in-network; VA Community Care Provider

New Start Recovery Solutions | Recovery Happens Counseling Services

Confidential Consultations, Questions or Admissions
Call 866-303-6275
We are dedicated to helping those in need.
We Work with EAP and Union Programs and Accept Most Insurance
Kaiser Preferred Provider
VA Community Care Provider In-Network with TriWest

We also work out of network with most PPO insurance.
Please Note: We cannot accept Medicare, Medicaid or Medi-Cal.
Veteran Programs

We Work With:
∙ Union and EAP Programs
∙ VA Community Care Provider
∙ In-network with TriWest
• Each patient is evaluated by New Start Recovery Solutions staff and receives a biopsychosocial assessment; and an individualized treatment plan.
• We use Mindfulness for Relapse Prevention and other whole person evidence-based therapies.
• Our holistic therapies include CBT, DBT, Brainspotting, Conscious Recovery, yoga and more.
• If you or your loved one is located in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Bay Area, San Rafael, Monterey, Sacramento, Chico, Paradise, Redding, Martinez or other Northern California area – and are dealing with a drug abuse or an alcohol use disorder – welcome to evidence-based whole person addiction treatment at New Start Recovery Solutions.
• New Start Recovery Solutions is a VA Community Care Provider; in-network with TriWest.
• Our trauma-informed dual diagnosis treatment is effective for PTSD, depression, anxiety and more.
• Military and Veteran PTSD Treatment Programs – Residential and Outpatient.
• Treatment Programs for First Responders, Union Members and Professionals.

Please call our Admissions at 866-303-6275 for more information.
Or feel welcome to Contact Us.
We Accept Most Insurance
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